What We Do
BLC Energy is developing a portfolio of Solar PV and co-located Battery storage projects at multiple sites throughout the UK. Our projects range from 10MW (25 acres) to over 200MW (500 acres). The final project size and location is determined by a range of factors outlined below.
All our projects are designed to minimise the impact on the environment, e.g. trees are designed around rather than felled, flooding areas avoided.
Land & Farming Constraints
These projects invariably have to fit in to a busy farming practice and should enhance the farming operation rather than impact on it.
We would not plan to develop too close to neighbouring properties or villages. Early and detailed public consultation is an imperative.
Grid Availabilty
The location of the nearest grid connection point and how much can be exported onto it.
Community Engagement & Long-Term Benefit
We recognise that a planned solar farm, irrespective of size, can be a source of concern to neighbouring communities. We therefore prioritise early dialogue through the parish/ community councils and local interest groups and will run stakeholder events to ensure everyone knows exactly what is planned and has an opportunity to discuss the project.
Working with our partners at Octopus Energy Generation, we are constantly innovating the community benefit mechanisms to ensure each community benefit funded is tailored to local requirements. We will then work with the community to put it to best use.